Thursday, June 4th 2021 we were surprised by Mrs. Evans Kindergarten Class in a BIG WAY! It was just 12:30 on that sunny afternoon and in walked about 20 of the proudest children we have ever seen! One of them handed over a big, bright orange box and said "please open this" with a big grin on his face. We opened the box and were stunned to find it FULL of money! $1,195.00 FULL OF CASH! As I read the note posted below aloud, my voice trembled and tears of joy fell from my eyes. These kids have hearts so big! In a world full of chaos, they chose to give back, to save the helpless, the ones that can't help themselves-the animals of our County. We are so very proud of these kids! THANK YOU! Mrs. Evans and 2021 Kindergarten Class: FRONT ROW: Finley, Kathy,Trinity, Jace ON THE COUCH: TJ, Trey, Arion, Remedy, Harley, London BEHIND THE COUCH: Kade, Steven, Carson, Orion,Colt, Jordan, Marshall, Emmet (holding the sign), Mary Perreault Gassett, Carol Vencill, Petie Evans.
WCHS Silent Auction, located at the Joseph Community Center during the Jingle thru Joseph Holiday Bazaar, Friday, November 26th 9am to 5pm and Saturday, November 27th 9am to 4pm. Again the following weekend Friday, December 3rd 9am to 5pm and Saturday, December 4th 9 to 4pm. Silent Auction ends at 3pm on the 4th.
Thirty + cool items to bid on. All proceeds from this Silent Auction will go toward the future WCHS Sanctuary.
Successful fund raiser as always at WC Grain Growers. Totaling $970.00, (a record for our annual Thanksgiving bake sale), with one pie fetching $100.00.
Thank you everyone.
FRI., SAT. & SUN, SEPT 4, 5 & 6
BARN SALE - 9am to 4pm
End of Wilson Ln, follow signs from Hwy. 82
Contact Carol 541-263-0336