Grain Growers Open House

SATURDAY, MAY 7 – 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The WCHS trailer had a great reception at the Grain Growers Open House.  Lots of visitors stopped by.  Special thanks to Trudy for managing the raffle ticket table and getting so many tickets sold for Mary Edwards’ print!

The kittens Hapa and Frosty were there with us, and they have now been adopted! They are adorable little fellas, and we’re happy to see them go to a great home.

Volunteer Orientation– Feb 27, 2016

Eleven volunteers participated in the Orientation, including two new members, a mother-and-daughter team!

We had a good time.  Several volunteers who are leaders in their programs reported what they do.  Susan gave us updates on pet therapy, a long-running and very popular program in the Wallowa County community.

Many thanks to Loree Osborne for baking fresh donuts to share for everyone, a delicious incentive for attending.

Open House & Volunteer Party

"Our annual Open House/Volunteer Recognition Party. Lots of visitors stopped by our Center to help us celebrate. Thank you to all our Volunteers!"

Watershed Festival

Our locally famous WCHS outreach trailer participated in this year's Watershed Festival, held each year on the last Friday in June at the Wallowa County Fairgrounds.  The Watershed Festival is always a fun-filled event for kids and grown-ups, with many attractions that will both entertain and educate.

We handed out animal-related material for the kids, and sharing information about what we're doing for the people and pets of Wallowa County. No animals were adopted this year at the Festival, but we had lots of folks stop by to take a look!